Can somebody explain to me why people I least expect appreciate and applaud my gift as a whole set of special talents? Why, if you so dare to explain, do the rest of you reduce it to a 'thing' that you think you can easily acquire? Do you actually think that if only you keep tearing off pieces of me to invest well, you'll one day outrank me?
I'm thankful to all the individuals who respect my Naliness, and in turn I respect their themness.
What I am not thankful for are the people around me who, as I have painfully come to understand, lack the unique component that makes one person different from the next: respect. I read somewhere that similar to how language influences perception, different ideas of uniqueness are defined by different ways of thinking especially in areas of creativity and problem solving. How can anyone expect to understand the mechanics of being special if they don't even have the basic acknowledgement of another person's gift?
I don't understand how anyone could actually think they're one step ahead of somebody else after plagiarising their efforts. I think that we all eventually must learn how to understand, appreciate and preserve another person's 'intellectual diversity' as they we do our own, period. Only then, can any of us be in the proper mind set to embrace the concept of uniqueness as a result of the different ways in which we are all taught to think.
How is any of this relevant? Well, I can tell you for one, failure to adjust in another setting or teaching environment as well as lacking the skills to help you fit in is as of a direct result of your own intellectual ignorance. You make your bed, my sister, you lay in it- would you really want to be in a bed no one else would want to make?
Trick question there people!
In the whole time I spent running around trying to dish out bits and pieces of my intellectual strength, I almost forgot about my gift that was realised earlier on in life. A set of talents so embedded in my personality, what would I be without them?
I almost forgot about the sudden rush I get just writing something and having someone else read it and feel the emotion I was intending for. Being able to manipulate the use of words does not come by accident folks.
I almost forgot how empathetic I am, how deeply rooted in other people's lives and emotions I am. Who else could tell theri story wih as much passion and fire as I can? Its no mistake I'm open to their channels of feeling. No mistake at all!
I almost forgot how much I loved to read and learn new things faster and more broadly then my peers. It makes me giggle just thinking about it, more like a game to me than a competition. Storing facts, useful and not alike comes with ease. If you have space on your hard drive, why keep it empty? I say fill it up!
And all along this blog started out like an experiment. I read back through the posts and I can't help but smile- its just me and my confused self expressing my talent with a corky, twisted sense of sarcasm and humour for the world to read. I sometimes wonder...
How could I almost forget the skeleton of my personality?